Jeff Colbert, LCSW, President
Jeff has been a resident of Blair County all his life. Born and raised in Martinsburg, PA, he is a resident of Williamsburg, PA with his wife and twin daughters. He is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Pennsylvania working with children and families since his graduation from Juniata College in 1998 with a BA in Communication/Criminal Justice. Jeff earned his Master of Social Work (MSW) in May 2013 from Shippensburg University. He is also a trained outpatient therapist and nationally certified to deliver Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). He has experience working and supervising within the FFT and Delinquency Prevention programs. Jeff conducts supervision of a clinical licensure group and masters level interns at Evolution. Evolution ALLIES was developed by Jeff and is now successfully providing support for LGBTQI populations (kids and families) in multiple counties with multiple groups. Jeff has a wealth of professional and volunteer experience in various related child serving and social service agencies and organizations.
In the community, Jeff is an assistant varsity football coach for the Central Scarlet Dragons. He has coached football since 1998. He volunteers for Evolution Expressions holding position of President. He serves on the social work education advisory boards for Saint Francis University and Juniata College. He also has experience as an adjunct Social Work professor for Saint Francis and Juniata. Jeff brings a diverse commitment to success from his numerous educational, clinical and supervisory experiences.

Craig Clark, LSFW, Vice President
Craig currently resides on Beldin Hollow Farm in beautiful Cambria County. Craig met his wife of 25 years and started his family of three beautiful daughters during his 50 years of being a Blair County resident. If Craig is not in the office you will find him with his family, working on the farm, fishing along a stream, or just relaxing in a tree stand enjoying the great outdoors. Craig graduated from Penn State University in 1990 with a BA in Administration of Justice Degree and was employed shortly thereafter as a counselor at Adelphoi Village's Hilltop Home. In 1993, Craig was asked to join FICS where he worked for 23 years. He loves determining what is needed to help our Blair County youth and families and developing programming to create positive change within family systems. The Delinquency Prevention Program, Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Attendance Counseling Team 360⁰ (ACT 360), NCTI JPO Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups and Victim Awareness Classes are all programs which Evolution Counseling Services, LLC takes great pride in offering the residents of Blair County. Craig continues to actively collaborate and meet regularly with the Juvenile Probation Office, Children, Youth & Family Services, as well as many other county initiatives to strengthen our community. Craig is an active member of the Children's Round Table, Blair County Drug & Alcohol Advisory Council, Truancy Task Force Team, Youth Activities Committee, Suicide Prevention Task Force, Youth League, Integrated Family Service Plan Committee, CASSP Advisory Member, Blair County Providers Association, Provider Advisory Committee, System of Care, Attendance Task Force, Healthy Blair County Coalition and the Rural Impact Community Challenge. Craig was also appointed by the Joint State Government Commission as a Truancy Advisory Committee member to help draft new attendance legislation for the state of PA. As a member of all these important county and state wide initiatives, Craig is not only there to help others around the table, but also to identify what the community's needs are and how our programs will best serve them.

Ashleigh Nearhoof, Board Secretary, Program Director, & Group Facilitator
Ashleigh, Program Director, Group Facilitator, and Counselor, enjoys working with kids and families to achieve their goals for success. Ashleigh was born and raised in Blair County and feels passionate about helping children and families feel supported so they can also be successful in our community. Ashleigh earned her degree at Penn State University in the field of Human Development and Family Studies in 2012. Some of Ashleigh's certifications and trainings include Family Development Credentialing, Expressive Arts for Healing, Motivational Interviewing, Childhood Trauma, LGBTQI, Mending the Cracks in the Truancy Pipeline, Recovery is for Everyone, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, Zumba Fitness, and POUND (rock out/work out). Ashleigh is passionate about her work in facilitating Kids Arts for Healing groups, Mom's Club/Group, Zumba Group, and other organized prosocial community and family events. Ashleigh has found unique ways to help children and families feel empowered and motivated through not only counseling services but also dance, fitness, baking/cooking, arts, travel, exploration, hobbies, skill- building, and community engagement.

Donna Gority, Treasurer
Former Blair County Commissioner, Donna D. Gority, served in that office beginning in January 1984, the first woman elected to do so in Blair County history. She continued to serve for 28 years, choosing not to seek reelection in 2011. Prior to her election she had been President of the League of Women Voters of Blair County and of the Penn-Mont Academy, one of the earliest Montessori schools in the country. Commissioner Gority served as President of the County Commissioners Association of PA in 1993. She was known by many across the state for her involvement with human services programs and was appointed by multiple Governors to serve on a variety of state level advisory boards. She has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Mount Aloysius College. Donna grew up in upstate New York and graduated from the State University of New York with a BS in Elementary Education. Donna continues to serve her community through service on numerous boards and committees, including ArtsAltoona, Leadership Blair County, WISE Women of Blair County, the United Way of Blair County, CONTACT Altoona, Operation Our Town,Healthy Blair County Coalition, Adelphoi Village, Child Advocates of Blair County, Penn Highlands Community College and the Booker T. Washington Community Revitalization Committee among many others. She and her husband, John, a disabled Vietnam veteran, enjoy spending time with their two adult daughters and their families, including four grandchildren. They own Gority Enterprises and Broadway Sharpening, a small business in Altoona.
Donna continues to serve her community through service on numerous boards and committees, including ArtsAltoona, Leadership Blair County, WISE Women of Blair County, the United Way of Blair County, CONTACT Altoona, Operation Our Town, Healthy Blair County Coalition, Penn Highlands Community College, Cresson Lake Playhouse, and the Booker T. Washington Community Revitalization Committee among many others. Donna's husband, John, a disabled Vietnam veteran, passed away in April 2021. Donna enjoys spending time with her two adult daughters and their families, including four grandchildren.

Jen Burgmeier, Board Member
Jen lives with her husband of 33 years, Don, in Altoona. Together they have three children who also live in the area. Jen was a stay-at-home mom for 20 years before building her fitness studio from the ground up 7 years ago. Groove Fitness Studio resides in Ivyside Plaza of Altoona, and Jen can be found living her best life by teaching classes in the studio 7 days a week. She found her personal passion in helping others find happiness and fulfillment through fitness and continues to share that passion with her students on the daily. Jen's community-centered mentality has encouraged others to join in and help when a need is found.

Liza Grassi, Board Member
Liza Grassi has been a resident of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania her entire life and is a mother of three children. After graduating from Hollidaysburg Area High School, she went on to continue her education at Mount Aloysius College, studying Human Services, as well as Drug and Alcohol with a focus in Mental Health. Following this, she became a TSS in Bedford and Saxton. Liza has since found a passion for helping others, child advocacy, and community service. Additionally, Liza has volunteered for and belonged to numerous community foundations for 25 years. Some of these organizations include: The ARC of Blair County, Knights of Columbus, Because We Care Foundation, CPA Autism Association, Blair County Overdose Awareness Day, and other numerous community fundraisers/events. Additionally, she is in her 2nd term as a board member of the ARC. Liza found Evolution Expressions through her community connections in acts of service and felt the mission of the non-profit aligned with her life objectives.

Dr. Taylor Clark, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Board Member
Born and raised in Blair County, Taylor developed a passion for helping individuals in our rural community, and became determined that she would be a Clinical Psychologist one day. Taylor completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology through Mount Aloysius College in 2015, with specializations in counseling, expressive arts for healing, studio art, and criminal justice and addictions. While working as the Program Director for Evolution Expression's Arts for Healing Program, Taylor has continued her graduate schooling and earned her Masters of Arts Degree in Psychology, with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology through Fielding Graduate University in 2020.
In continued pursuit of her dreams, Taylor is finishing her clinical training as a doctoral Clinical Psychology student with Fielding Graduate University. Taylor has completed her dissertation research titled, "Creative Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic", and will beginning her final year as a predoctoral psychology intern at Rochester Institute of Technology's Behavioral Health Clinic and Innovative Tech program in Rochester, New York. Here, she will receive advanced clinical training to prepare her for her future career as a Clinical Psychologist. Taylor will be graduating from her doctoral program at the end of June 2023.
In her free time, Taylor enjoys creating her own artwork, traveling, spending time with her family and friends, and quality time with her pets. At Evolution, Taylor focuses on providing a warm, welcoming, supportive, and therapeutic space that allows children and families to process trauma through imaginative platforms such as drawing, painting, and a variety of other creative modalities. In addition to this focus, Taylor is also a certified NCTI Crossroads and Real Colors facilitator, strength-based family worker, and is trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Taylor's long-term goals include: securing licensure as a Clinical Psychologist; working to grow and expand Evolution Counseling's scope and reach; and continuing a life of learning, research, and compassion toward others.